recording conference call

10 Ways to Convert Recorded Conference Calls into Promotional Content

By Jamie Davidson · August 5, 2019

SUMMARY: Content marketing is a critical component of any business’ promotional planning. One way to feed your content funnel is to use material you are organically generating while on conference calls and online meetings. By recording a conference call you automatically create a treasure trove of useful content to transform into and contribute to at least ten promotional tactics.

Repurpose Recorded Conference Calls and Online Meetings

As the saying goes, content is king. Therefore, generating compelling content has become a specialty of its own. Promotional content not only helps support your website and business but positively influences your target audience’s decision making.

Recorded conference calls can be converted into valuable marketing content. A few effective examples are:

  • Sales presentations and demos
  • Company-wide announcements
  • Blog interviews
  • New employee onboarding
  • Training sessions
  • Industry leader webinars

10 ways to turn recorded conference calls into content your target audience will love

1. Craft blog posts

Let conversations among colleagues and clients inspire you. Use industry news, POVs, and ideas discussed during online meetings as fodder for fresh blog material. Publish your blog posts with the recordings embedded to enrich the details of each piece and provide an option for auditory learners.

2. Start a podcast

Who hasn’t dreamt of being the next big thing in podcasting? I know I have! But, do you worry about having enough material to share with your audience? Transforming audio conferences into podcast material invites listeners and potential customers to get to know your company. It gives you the opportunity to share knowledge and industry perspective that is unique to the VIPs in your company.

Also, podcasts have legs. Invite listeners to download or stream the podcast from your website, blog, or iTunes. Additionally, pair episodes with blog posts describing what listeners can expect to take away from it. Heck, why not also follow up each podcast episode with a Twitter discussion for user comments and questions? Clearly, with so many ways to expand just one piece of content, podcasts are the content marketing gift that keeps on giving.

3. Give email marketing a voice

Imagine email messaging that speaks personally to the recipient. Now that’s how you build trust with prospective customers online. Today consumers are seeking out companies with brand authenticity. Share your company POV by integrating audio files and videos into your targeted email marketing campaigns. Reach your audience with your personalized voice without the effort of a cold sales call.

4. Enhance a website FAQ section

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your company website gets more attention than you might think. It is an SEO-rich opportunity. Kissmetrics Blog contributor, Jason Shah, says that it’s integral to step up your FAQ page game. The FAQ page “represents one of the most valuable moments in a conversion funnel.” Does yours make an impact?

Add clarity and depth to this section of your website with audio bites from real recorded conference call conversations with customers. For instance, add product and service explanations. Provide necessary instructions that are relayed during customer service calls. Or similarly, turn online training sessions into help section videos.

5. Create a SlideShare webinar

If you haven’t discovered SlideShare yet, you’re about to have your mind blown. SlideShare is a presentation-sharing web platform that lets users sync mp3 audio with slides to create webinars. Millions of companies use this online sharing tool. Best of all, SlideShare content has the potential to spread virally and connect targeted users with brands.

Harness this powerful resource by crafting slide decks to accompany online meeting and teleconference recordings. SlideShare makes it easy to upload files and pull together slides, fast. Subsequently, share your SlideCast (slides/mp3 mashup) across social media platforms and on your website.

6. Upload recorded meeting content to YouTube

You don’t need a massive production budget or extensive video editing training to reap the benefits of YouTube. For example, if your conference calls veer into explanation territory, hit record. You might have valuable YouTube content right there!

Pair your online meeting recording with a simple branding or a video conference recording. For an extra SEO boost, add the audio transcript to the video upload so when users search with your keywords, your video appears in the top ranks.

7. Highlight industry leaders and CEOs

It’s not every day your customers have the opportunity to hear from the bigwigs behind your product or service. Share your company’s expertise with a backstage pass to conference calls and interviews, and do it with an audio recording.

Promote this content as part of a podcast episode, or develop an interactive social media or blog series where customers can engage your interviewee with questions and feedback.

Industry leader interviews are prime content to develop into a webinar. Use the recorded conversation to drive the conversation craft a live webinar Q&A session (that you can also record and re-distribute).

8. Offer exclusive content

If you want to grow your email list, offer exclusive audio content as an incentive for prospects to provide their contact information. Consider the kinds of “behind-the-scenes” knowledge about your company that is revealed during conference calls and presentations. Use your discretion (and the permission of everyone present during the call) to record and edit chunks of audio that provide desirable insights for your customers.

Then, craft targeted landing pages to compel users to sign up for access to these recordings. Now sit back and watch your email list skyrocket.

9. Build hype for upcoming services and product launches

Give your target audience a rich yet brief taste of what’s to come. Whether it’s a new product line or industry event, it’s all the more buzz-worthy when you offer sneak peeks with audio recordings. Edit clips from canned presentations and sales materials and leak small bites across social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

10. Develop rich case studies

A case study is a powerful form of marketing material, but when you add audio recordings to the mix, it’s downright unstoppable. To prepare your content marketing mix for convincing case studies, start recording conversations with clients whose experience with your company is memorably positive.

While crafting a case study about a client’s experience, review your recordings for moments of dialogue that illustrate or confirm your quality of product and service. These testimonials and audio case study content marketing engage those with auditory learning preferences and contribute to a diverse marketing mix.

To sum up, it’s easy to transform conference call recordings and online meeting slides into marketing materials. Now, you’ve got nothing holding you back from generating more leads online with compelling, valuable conference call turned marketing content.


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